Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Family Prayer

We have family prayer every night and the boys are always wanting to say it. Our new thing is to pick whomever is the most reverent to say our prayer. Its amazing how quickly they get quiet, just because they want to say the prayer.

Well Conor was saying the prayer last night and he says some of the same things every time...

  • Bless me to be good
  • Bless our house to sell

  • Bless all the boxes to be gone (guess he is tired of his toys being packed away still)
  • Bless me to have good dreams

And then sometimes there are the things they pray about that totally catch you off guard!!

  • Bless mommy to get pregnant (this is where everyone started laughing)

Where the heck did that come from? And why does he want me to be pregnant?

His answer: I want a sister.

I am not sure I can let him pray again any time soon. And NO! I am not pregnant ;).


Rochelle said...

NICE! Now how many times have you taught him that Heavenly Father answers our prayers?

Tresa said...

OH! Didn't think of that haha

Dana said...

well.....you've always wanted a girl.....

ArmyGirlNay said...

Michael prayed for that for a long time and was even convinced that the Lord had told him that Daniel was a girl, lol

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so sweet!

nicole said...

How adorable. Girls are wonderful to raise... but it's amazing how much drama they add to the home! That's one thing I can do without!