Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Romantic Deserts!!

I have been hosting a Recipe swap for church at my house now for the last 4 months. At first I didn't really want to do it... you know having to really clean the house and then just being a hostess is a lot of work. After the first one, I decided that it was a Blast. So here we are 4 moths later and I finally remembered to take pictures this time.
Being that Valentine's day was comming we did Romantic deserts. I was totally amazed at all the YUMMY sweets.
Here is a link to the recipes...


Rochelle said...

Did you make all of these??? Holy smokes where do you find the time? They all look beautiful!

Tresa said...

oh no are you kidding... I had to clean house just so they could come over. lol!! I made the fondue one... each person brought their desert item and a copy of their recipe to share with the others ;)

Allison said...